I just video skyped for the first time with Kibs and though I was happy to talk to him, seeing him in his state now only gave the word "sorrow" a real intense meaning and feeling, I could not believe how my chirpy and active brother was now walking so slow with a cane and speaking in a weak and hoarse-old-man's voice. Since I could see him in my screen like he could see me in his, he promptly asked me the question "how do I look?". He must have lost 20 lbs in the past 2 weeks 1/2 and I could see his skeletal frame underneath his sagging shirt. He was still being cheery and as usual wanted to converse more only that Francis, then Anton and then Dad came on to say hello.
Video skype is cool really but I really have not taken much to it even when it started way back. It used to be so spotty before (for sound and images) and the images were in delayed mode so it really didn't appeal to me. Now the sound and video image is of top notch quality - no more delay in voice or video and the image is crisp and clear. But my first introduction back to video skype with its crisp and clear video only showed me how Kibs has transposed to being healthy a few weeks back to being very sick now.
Video skype has brought me those images tonight and what sorrow and sadness it brought out in me :( :( :(
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